Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

The Axsy Mobile App supports Delivery Tasks for Retail Execution.

For more information on how to setup this Task in an Action Plan Template, please see this Salesforce page: Associate Delivery Task to Action Plan Template

For more information on how to create Shipment records for this Task, please this Salesforce page: Associate Delivery Task to Shipments

Executing Direct Store Delivery Tasks

  1. Select the Direct Store Delivery Task for the Visit. 

  2. Select a Shipment record. 

  3. Tap a Product and enter a quantity for the amount being delivered, then select Save

  4. Once you have input amounts for all the Product deliveries, select Delivered.
    NOTE: If you don't enter an amount for a Product, you will be alerted to the missing information before confirming the delivery for the Shipment. You can continue to confirm the delivery, however, once Delivered has been selected, you can not amend any information entered for that Shipment record. 

    NOTE: You can not save an amount that exceeds the Ordered Quantity listed under the Product's details. 

  5. The Shipment record will then be updated as completed with a green tick.