Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

The Axsy Mobile App supports adding ad hoc Tasks to a Retail Execution Visit while on-the-go. 

Supported Tasks 

Adding ad hoc Tasks to a Visit is currently only supported online. The following Task types are currently supported: 

  • Assessment Tasks
    • Order Capture 
  • Standard Tasks 
  • Flow Tasks

NOTE: Assessment Tasks that include Retail Store KPIs are not currently supported due to a Consumer Goods Cloud Platform limitation around Retail Store KPI creation.

NOTE: In order for the Tasks to be made available for ad hoc purposes, Tasks must be part of an Action Plan Template on the Salesforce Platform.

Adding a Task with the Axsy Mobile App

  1. Select the Action Menu when on a Visit screen and then the Add Task action.

  2. Select an Action Plan Template, a Task and then select Add.