Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

Some Assessment Tasks enable users to capture photos where necessary (e.g. during a Promotion Check) with the Axsy Mobile App. Photos that are captured during the Visit are stored on the Salesforce Platform under the Files Related List for the Assessment Task Record. 

Take a Photo For an Assessment Task on the Axsy Retail Execution Mobile App

Navigate to an Assessment Task that supports photos, e.g. Promotion Check Task, and either take a photo or upload an existing photo on the mobile device.

View the Photo File on the Salesforce Platform

Navigate to the Assessment Task record on the Salesforce Platform by navigating to the specific Visit > Action Plan > Assessment Task.

The file name of the photo will maintain the same file name that the photo had on the mobile device. This will either be the existing file name for a photo uploaded from the device's camera roll or the file name automatically assigned by the mobile device when the photo is captured live with the camera.

View the ContentDocument URL

To view the ContentDocument URL, select the Files Related List for the Assessment Task record (as shown in steps above) and then View File Details from the dropdown menu for the file record.