Available in: Axsy Retail Execution

When the user launches the Inventory Check or Promotion Check task, if KPI values entered during a previously completed Visit are available, the Axsy Retail Execution Mobile App can prompt the user with a pop-up on whether or not they want to pre-populate the current Visit's KPIs with those previous values.

Figure 1 - KPI pre-population prompt

Rather than always prompt the user with a pop-up, it is possible to disable the pop-up via the Axsy Config Tool. The settings to do so are found under the Global tab of the Config Tool and then navigating to Visits > KPI Tabular:

  • Disable Pre-Populate Popup - When this is checked, it disables the pop-up prompt.
  • Default pre-populate choice - When the above setting is checked, this settings determines the default behaviour for pre-population given the user will no longer be prompted. The following 3 options are available for the default behaviour:
    • GUIDE - The KPI values for the previous Visit will display but be greyed out and the user can individually choose to confirm and insert the value or edit it before saving
    • ACTUAL - The KPI values for the previous Visit will be automatically inserted and saved
    • IGNORE - Previous KPI values are ignored and KPI fields for this Visit will be empty

Figure 2- Config Tool settings for disabling the KPI pre-population prompt