Axsy Enhanced Inventory and Promotion Check

Enhanced Inventory Check
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution Axsy's Enhanced Inventory Check lets users carry out their in-store checks with ease and efficiency using a tabul...
Mon, 17 Jun, 2024 at 10:06 AM
Enhanced Promotion Check
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution Axsy's Enhanced Promotion Check lets users carry out their in-store checks  with ease and efficiency using a tabu...
Fri, 21 Apr, 2023 at 8:59 PM
Apply the Same Value to Multiple KPIs
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution To speed up entry of Retail Visit KPIs when completing the Inventory Check or Promotion Check Assessment Tasks, the A...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 8:41 PM
Inventory Check Photos
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution The Axsy Mobile App supports the ability to include photos as part of the Inventory Check Assessment Task. When using...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 7:47 PM
Promotion Check Photos
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution It is possible to attach a photo – either taken live with the device camera or selected from the existing device phot...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 8:02 PM
Photo Capture for Individual Products
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution Both the Enhanced Inventory Capture and the Enhanced Promotion Check visit execution tasks in the Axsy Mobile App sup...
Thu, 20 Apr, 2023 at 8:31 PM
Inventory Check Product Re-Ordering
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution To allow efficient capture of KPIs as part of the Inventory Check task, the Axsy Retail Execution Mobile App allows u...
Mon, 19 Jun, 2023 at 3:33 PM
Filter Products by Actual KPI Value
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution The Inventory Check and Promotion Check tabular UI in the Axsy Retail Execution Mobile App supports the ability to fi...
Mon, 19 Jun, 2023 at 4:17 PM
Sort Products Based on Category
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution The Inventory Check and Promotion Check tabular UI in the Axsy Retail Execution Mobile App supports the ability to so...
Mon, 19 Jun, 2023 at 4:20 PM
Configure Default Behaviour for KPI Pre-Population
Available in: Axsy Retail Execution When the user launches the Inventory Check or Promotion Check task, if KPI values entered during a previously complet...
Mon, 19 Jun, 2023 at 3:45 PM
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